"A great motivational quote can be just the spark you need to shake off those blues, push past the Monday morning dread, and get moving."
It's Monday morning, your alarm goes off and you hit the snooze button. Just five more minutes, right? The weekend went by too fast. The days are running together and worse yet, you don't have the energy for another Monday.
This is why motivation is important for your wellness. There is a saying "Motivation gets your started..." Reading something that is gives you that "you got this girl" first thing in the morning or when you feel the lack of motivation set in is a great feeling.
Certain quotes change your outlook on the day. It can help you be more productive because lets face it, if you are motivated to do something...you do it better and it seems less daunting.

My Favorite Reminder

Save these reminders as your screensaver to keep the positivity flowing all day long. Don’t forget to share them to uplift the amazing women in your life.
Negativity spreads fast...so should positivity! xoxoxo-V